Sheet Music

We’re experts at creating custom arrangements that are pianist-friendly. We use Finale music notation software in a clear, easy-to-read format for accompanists. Your sheet music will give just enough information to be helpful but not so much as to be overwhelming. Best of all, because it’s a custom arrangement, there are no measures with “X’s” to skip past or arrows to follow, and the accompaniment will sound familiar to you no matter who’s playing it.

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Piano Tracks

We’re skilled at recording piano tracks that will help you stand out from the crowd. Our tracks, recorded using ProTools software, give you excellent quality delivered in an mp3 format for easy downloading. Our accompaniments are performed by professional musical theatre pianists, so you’ll have a dynamic, musical interpretation backing you up — not a sterile, computer-generated track. Best of all, the recordings match the sheet music, so you’ll always know what the accompaniment sounds like before your audition.

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Auditioning Tips

We’re plugged into the world of musical theatre – programs, performers, theatres, resources, and information – and we’ll help you stay inspired and informed. Our blog will keep you up-to-date with musical theatre auditioning tips, videos, guest posts, motivational quotes, and suggestions for how to thrive, not just survive, as a performing artist. And when you connect with others via our social media channels, you’ll cultivate and broaden your musical theatre network and knowledge.

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